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Hardwoods, Softwoods, Cordwood, & Wholesale.


Protecting Our Forests

The most important thing about our firewood is that it comes from sustainable sources.  Nearly all of our wood comes from woodlots which are manage by loggers skilled in selective thinning, and kiln dried in our own facility. We do not buy from lot clearing or clear-cut properties. We want your dollars supporting local forests. Our goal is to build a sustainable firewood business using protected forests managed for ecosystem and forest products.


Kiln-Dried Firewood is Better!

It’s hard to believe it until you have tried it but kiln-dried wood with ultra-low moisture content provides significantly more Btu’s per cord. When wood burns moisture turns to steam and escapes. Bone-dry wood heats more efficiently, meaning you get a hotter and long lasting fire.


Kiln-dried firewood is also clean and bug free. It has not seasoned outside where spiders and ants have time to invade. We are USDA certified as a heat treatment center and our wood can move across state quarantines. 


Firewood is a Renewable Resource!

Firewood is not a fossil fuel! It's a renewable energy resource and it's carbon neutral.  When a tree grows it captures carbon dioxide and when it dies it releases it back into the atmosphere.  If you heat your home or cook with wood, you are replacing the use of fossil fuels with wood and conserving valuable energy resources. 

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